
About Our Current Projects

We work on a diverse array of projects with partners across a variety of sectors. This page includes a brief sampling of ongoing projects of DGA, representative of the range of our services and expertise. See our services page for additional information on our clients and case studies.

Americans for a
Clean Energy Grid

Combined Heat and Power Alliance

Corporate Climate

Renewable Thermal Collaborative

Americans for a Clean Energy Grid

Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) is a highly diverse coalition of stakeholders working to encourage modernization, expansion, and integration of the Nation’s backbone electric system. A more robust electric transmission grid enables development, distribution, and dispatch of new clean energy resources, integration of distributed generation and digital technologies, and promotion of broader, more efficient bulk power markets. These outcomes support cleaner, lower-cost, low carbon electric generation, and a more efficient electric system.

DGA originally helped launch ACEG in 2008 when the initiative was part of the Energy Future Coalition at the United Nations Foundation. In 2017, the leaders of ACEG tapped DGA to help develop the Coalition as an independent non-profit public interest organization and direct the overall strategy, policy objectives, and communication goals of the group. DGA continues to help manage the diverse coalition of key transmission stakeholders.

Combined Heat and Power Alliance

The Combined Heat and Power Alliance, formerly known as the Alliance for Industrial Efficiency, is a coalition of business, labor, contractor, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions who share the vision that CHP can make America’s manufacturers and other businesses more competitive, reduce energy costs, enhance grid reliability and reduce emissions. The Alliance focuses on improved financing options for CHP and WHP; increasing demand for these valuable technologies; and ensuring that their economic, reliability, and environmental benefits are recognized by policymakers.

DGA initiated this project to help make U.S. manufacturers more competitive by reducing their energy costs and improving their resilience to power outages. CHP and WHP can be more than twice as efficient as the separate generation of heat and electricity. And greater efficiency translates to both lower energy costs and reduced emissions. What’s more, because CHP systems can operate independently of the grid, they can keep the lights and power on during extreme weather events.

Corporate Climate Initiative

Large institutional buyers are changing the energy and climate landscape. Starting with an initial focus on buying wind and solar energy, Fortune 500 companies and other large institutions are now broadening their focus – establishing comprehensive science-based climate goals, decarbonizing their operations, scaling up their purchases of clean energy, electrifying transportation systems, utilizing innovative renewable thermal technologies, increasing energy storage, and more.

Through its Corporate Climate Initiative, DGA connects corporate sustainability leaders across a variety of industries to federal and state policy opportunities, which can accelerate and lower the costs of meeting corporate climate goals. DGA analyzes and reports on policy and market trends relevant to meeting corporate climate goals.  For more than a decade, we have helped companies engage with policy makers and other opinion leaders and make the business case for climate and clean energy policies.

Renewable Thermal Collaborative

The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) serves as the leading coalition for organizations that are committed to scaling up renewable heating and cooling at their facilities and dramatically cutting carbon emissions. RTC members recognize the growing demand and necessity for renewable heating and cooling and the urgent need to meet this demand in a manner that delivers sustainable, cost-competitive options at scale.

DGA facilitates the RTC in collaboration with the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) and the World Wildlife Fund. The RTC seeks to educate both practitioners and policymakers about the urgent need to address renewable options for thermal energy, continue to identify specific market barriers to renewable thermal technologies, enable delivery of cost-competitive renewable thermal options, improve marketplace and financing for renewable thermal technologies, and develop long-term vision for scaling up renewable thermal technologies in U.S.

Accelerating the Adoption of Electric Trucks and EV Charging Infrastructure

Many retail businesses are working to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other air pollutants through corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and emissions reduction programs. These have public health benefits to the local communities and governments which these businesses serve. And because the retail industry is one of the largest movers of freight in the country, they are increasingly concerned with decreasing emissions associated with moving goods, but many retailers lack access to independent analysis to help them make informed decisions about options to use electric trucks and install EV charging infrastructure.

Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) has partnered with Atlas Public Policy, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), and David Gardiner and Associates (DGA) to explore the landscape and outlook for electric trucks for freight movement, which could have a substantial benefit for carbon emission reductions.

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